I might try free handing another bionic eye on one of the remaining gitz. The Gunwagon is a new datasheet designed to make the most of the Battlewagon kit. Unlike most other Nobz, Flash Gitz prefer firepower to being 'stompy', and thus prefer ranged combat to melee. Flash Gitz have been given a huge power increase in the new codex thanks to a better armour save and even shootier snazzguns: These guys are the premier dakka-delivery system for Orks and a unit or two are a must-have in any self-respecting Freebooterz army.

I'm going to give some thought to Git Finders, but 2 of the models a sight, and there's a git with a bionic eye, and the rest still have iron sights. Flash Gitz are Nobz who are absolutely addicted to guns that make lots of noise. He has gained a significant technological boost after saving the Big Mek Badmek Mogrok on the Knight World of Alaric Prime. I've added a butt to this one's gun, other than that, he's perfect! Somebody asked earlier about the string around this one's gun, hopefully it's a bit clearer on this shot, if not I'm going to have to do some stuff to pick it out a bit during painting. Badrukk’s attacks have become especially daring and spectacular in recent years, making use of tellyporta strikes to drop his Flash Gitz precisely where they need to be.

I've up-armored this git, added some ammo clips down the shoulders, removed the old gun butt, and added a new longer one, and add some more paper straps. I've added a shoulder butt to this one, and added some straps, which are made of slips of paper that I've attached using watered down pva glue. So I've added shoulder buttz to all the gunz, made some modifications to make the gunz look more bolted together, and up armored the remaining git.įirst up, I've added some model wire around this gitz gun, and a new shoulder butt. GitX-dev is a fork (variant) of GitX, a long-defunct GUI for the Git version-control system. Ludic Box - FLASH GITZ YELLOW : Les peintures Citadel Layer sont des acryliques de qualit suprieure, avec un vaste ventail de teintes pour peindre vos. Okay, I've taken some thought about the feedback, and how the gitz need to evolve to reach the next level of dakka.